The Uninvited Goddess is a memoir about the author’s stories of awakening to greater oneness. It is set in the context of these troubled times, the transformative possibilities of quantum consciousness, and the archetype of our newest planet, Eris, whose mythology suggests the vision that everyone needs to be invited to the party, everyone needs a seat at the table.
Readers of all kinds will appreciate the deep wisdom and inspiration in this riveting and remarkable book. Judith Carpenter skillfully combines candid, compelling memoir with a powerful call to awakened action for a better future. Her unique book is moving, enlightening—and truly transformative.
Shane Snowdon, former editor of Sojourner & University of California diversity director
Judith Carpenter has undertaken the very courageous and powerful task of giving voice to the potency of archetypes in the human psyche. She leads us with clarity and openness down the trail of her particular journey while connecting it to the archetypal phenomena of the goddess Eris, the name given to our newest ‘dwarf’ planet. Reading her story of
Arifa Boehler, astrological consultant & teacher
awakenings, I allow myself to hear some of my own and awaken myself to the Eris parts of me. Judith’s exploratory integration of this archetype into our current culture and consciousness provides some very potent seeds, the growth and blossoming of which will most likely take place in the psyches and lives of readers.
Judith Carpenter is inspired to synthesize the passionate fascinations of her richly lived life, successfully intertwining her life story with archetypal astrology, quantum consciousness, and the newly discovered planet Eris, who brings us ‘justice-seeking, feminine-warrior energy.’ Her personal work provides a guide for living fully engaged in complex times.
Elizabeth Garber, poet & author of Implosion: A Memoir of an Architect’s Daughter
This remarkable book is the story of Judith Carpenter’s long spiritual quest, through unique twists and turns, from giving her life to follow Jesus; getting a Doctorate in Ministry; co-founding Greenfire, a spiritual retreat house for women; and finally studying the implications of quantum consciousness for our times. As a mathematician, I can vouch for the fact that the quantum theory of measurement inextricably mixes the consciousness of the observer with the state of the universe, a fact with vast spiritual implications that are still unfolding. Judith invites readers to join in her ongoing quest, accompanied by the mysterious mischievous goddess Eris.
David Mumford, professor emeritus, Harvard & Brown Universities